• Jason Bennick

    Former colleague of Tom DeVocht

    Tom De Vocht messed up a lot financially in the Church when it came to construction renovations.


    Tom De Vocht messed up a lot financially in the Church when it came to construction renovations. There were two specific projects I was involved with that had to do with a couple of buildings on the property and to say, I guess, that they didn’t go well was an understatement. Over-expenditures in terms of hundreds of thousands of dollars on one particular building.

    And I don’t think he is telling the media that. I don’t think he is telling the media that, you know, “There is documentation, you know, from the Church, that I wasted a lot of money, of parishioner funds, substantial funds, so much so that I was taken out of that position of authority.” He is not telling people that. He should tell people that, you know, “Hey you know there was an audit done on, on my accounts and my finances and my budgets and in some of the last projects I worked on and you know, I was removed from authority because I wasted hundreds of thousands of dollars. And there is documents—there is documented proof and audits that were done on my projects and because of that I got removed. I was taken out of my position.” And that was done strictly for that reason; I read it, I read the documentation on it.

    That’s Tom De Vocht, you know, he created these situations in, I believe the last few years of his tenure and he was taken out of his position of authority and I guess he didn’t like that. I guess he didn’t like it, so he left. And now he is turning around and pointing the finger and he is not telling the media “Here’s my audits and my documentation of the millions that I was responsible for that I … or that I either wasted or had to get redone or rehire contractors on.” I notice he is not saying that, you know.